A variety of notes for different courses I’ve taken, some more complete than others. The LaTeX files can be found here. Many of these use my notes template.
You can also report a typo or mistake if you feel so inclined.
- Analysis III (MATH454)[In Progress]
- Algebra III (MATH456) [In Progress]
- Analysis II (MATH255)
- Algebra II (MATH251)
- ODEs (MATH325)
- Analysis I (MATH254)
- Algebra I (MATH235)
- Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos (MATH326/MATH376)[Incomplete]
- Classical Mechanics I (PHYS251) [Incomplete]
- Calculus 1, 2, 3 (MATH150, MATH151)
- Intro to CS (COMP250)
- Intro to Linguistics (LING201)
- Principles of Statistics (MATH204)
- Linear Algebra (MATH133)
- Calculus 2